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ISSN : 1229-7631 (Print) / 2635-5302 (Online)

  • KCI(Korea Citation Index)
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Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion

ISSN : 1229-7631 (Print) / 2635-5302 (Online)

Editorial Board

Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion - Vol. 37 , No. 2 (2020 .6 )

2. p. 15 서울특별시 초・중・고등학생의 비흡연 의지에 영향을 미치는 요인
Influencing factors of future non-smoking intentions of Seoul metropolitan students
황지은 Jieun Hwang, 정한나 Hanna Jung, 양예슬 Yeaseul Yang, 권수현 Suhyun Kwon, 전해령 Hae-ryoung Chun, 김승완 Seungwan Kim, 제갈정 Jung JeKarl, 유승현 Seunghyun Yoo, 조성일 Sung-il Cho
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14367/kjhep.2020.37.2.15